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Learn to fly
Anew he shut his eyes. Red lights were dancing in front of his closed lids. He extended his mental antennae to will the DRONE that was waiting only a few hundret meters away on an asteroid. Virtually he believed to see light, although his eyes were closed. On the asteroid the well concealed eyes of the DRONE began to blink. Finally they opened up. Now Argail was sensing through the DRONE's eyes. Veritable potent BUGMASTERS could control hives of these annoying and flexible combat creatures. The mixture of gases within the DRONE ignited and it ascended ductile from the asteroid surface into the black void of the outer-space. At last it was fully controlled by Argail. His psyche was merged with the artificial cultured cerebric of the biofighter. Argail airborned a few standard maneuvers to check his capabilities. He laughed intestine. How should these 'screwheads' withstand against a squadron of genetically perfected warlords? And the progression in the collective's lab never rests. Soon annoying DRONEs would be the least problem of the naive 'techheads'. Shortly an armada of SCARABS would pitch into their biggest peripheral sector. Argail himself would mentally operate one of the heavy plasmaguns. Much that wars are waged these days: telepatic gifted worlords sat securely in one of the flight control centers of EarthOne or one of the other arcologies of the collective. From the outside appearing nearly to be sleeping they inwardly were under excess pressure and fought the battles of the collective against the metallic monsters of the engineers. Often many AUs afar of their home. The DRONE aviated an elegant arc round an asteroid. Anon the 'techheads' would be assimilated into the collective and the remnants of Gaia would take shape again. Argail's face freezed, his DRONE had arrived on the far side of the asteroid. The genetically modified eyes of his DRONE gazed directly into the barrel of a middleweight railgun that was attached to the wing of an AX-47 HUNTER. Now Argail would have to display his abilities...
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